Visa help

As part of your visa application, you may need to evidence your qualifications and English proficiency with the UK Home Office

UK National Information Centre for the recognition and evaluation of international qualifications and skills

Due to the UK leaving the European Union, the UK NARIC national agency function is now UK ENIC – managed by Ecctis All services operate as before. Individuals: use the Enic website to apply for a Statement of Comparability.

Use the Ecctis website to apply for Visas & Nationality and Industry Skills Statements. For more information:

Registered Individuals and member organisations: can log in or on the Ecctis website and access services and resources as before. Use your existing account and login details; you do not need to re-register.

The Visas and Nationality services support you if you need to evidence the level of your degree and/or your English language proficiency for the UK Home Office. Link

If there are any aspects of the visa process that you are unsure about, please get in touch and we will be happy to help!